Monday 29 July 2013

10 Reasons Why Blueberries Are Amazing

1. When they are in season (which they are) 
you can get loads of them for a bargain!

2. They are rich in antioxidants, improve 
memory function, and help the cardio 
system along its merry way.

3. Am I wrong or is it the only natural 
blue-coloured food?

4. You can make things like THIS

5. Blueberry Bombs! Fill your palm with at
 least 15 of them and toss them in your 
mouth all at once.

6. I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t 
like a good, fat blueberry. 

7. They grow right here in BC
and across Canada.

8. You can add them to your oaty/porridgy 
breakfast and it will turn purple

9. BlueberryPopsicle’s - haven't tried these 
yet but they look reallllly good!

10. Freeze them and add to smoothies 
for an extra beautiful, extra rich colour.

Thats all, folks!


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