Wednesday 6 May 2015

A City Slickers Guide To Nature

If we want to feel good on our bodies on a day-to-day basis, spending time in nature is an absolute must. Nature-time is a total game-changer if you have been feeling stuck, lost, unhappy with your body and your life. It can be so grounding, soothing, relaxing and it will somehow remind you that everything is okay. 

Our bodies LOVE it too. Um, in case you forgot - we are nature. So when we spend time on the grass and in the trees, our bodies feel like they are coming home. Think of the feeling of dis-connection with your body through anxiety, sadness, heaviness as a feeling of homesickness, your body actually is missing it's true home - nature. 

Back in the day, we used to live harmoniously with the rhythms of nature (wake when the sun wakes, sleep when the sun sleeps) and the changing of the seasons (prepare food for the winter, eat what is growing in the summer). We worked with the land and cherished the ground under our feet

Today we are nature surrounded by concrete buildings and floors, artificial lights, sirens, some of us living 18 stories above the ground and spending most of our days at desks. We have created quite an environment for ourselves and have essentially removed ourselves from LIFE. No wonder so many of us feel life-less. 

Touching the ground with our bare feet is crucial for us to feel connected to who we are. Breathing in oxygen fresh from the trees revitalizes not only our lungs but our awareness and our senses. The forest takes the stress within and around us and transforms us back to the truth of who we are, making us feel calm and alive.

We are meant to live alongside nature. Our bodies are happiest and at home there. Our bodies are more willing to let go of extra weight, our organs function more optimally, our crazy thoughts become, well, less crazy.

Wait, I’m sorry, what? Nature is boring? 

Excuse me while I try not to cry. That statement just hurt me to the core. We are so used to instant stimulation – big screen TV’s with elaborate murder scenes, clubs with music on super blast, alcohol and drugs, junk food with manufactured flavours. Hmmm. I get it. I can see where you are coming from and why you think nature might be boring.

People. Listen. If we disconnect ourselves from who we primarily are, we seek the thrill of life in other ways. Or numb ourselves from the deep sense of dissatisfaction within. Ugh. I’ve been there. And without nature, I don’t think I could have come back to life.

So I have put together a lil ditty here for you on how to connect back to nature. I cant promise instant satisfaction, although you might. But I can promise a sense of peace and calm within yourself if you truly take the time to connect back to what you are made of. 

Ready? Click on this image below. 


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